Quit Your Job Elon Musk!

The Tesla CEO asked the world whether he should quit his jobs.

You could be charitable and say that Tesla CEO Elon Musk's mind is sometimes simply too searching, too curious, too relentlessly inquisitive. Or you could say that, like most Twitter users, he's too frequently lazy and bored. Whatever the case and whatever the level of seriousness, Elon did float one good idea Thursday night on the platform, which is that he was considering whether to quit his jobs.

Those jobs include being CEO of Tesla and also CEO of SpaceX and something with The Boring Company and roles with other startups that he attaches his name too, though primarily his job is the being the face of Tesla, with a concordant effect on Tesla's stock price.

It's also hard to know what Musk means here when he says he might quit to become an influencer, given that he already is one, by any definition. Most likely he was scrolling on his phone last night and saw a silly viral video by a social media influencer that amused him and thought to himself that that life seems nice. And then thought: Send tweet. And then went to bed or got stoned or something. We've all been there. The likelihood that Elon even remembers any of it happening this morning is slim.

Anyway, there is basically no chance of Elon quitting, as Silicon Valley founder types never do; their lifeblood is being in the mix, which they do by moving fast and breaking things. I would highly endorse, however, a version of Elon quitting that is him actually quitting. As in, he buys a ranch in Montana or something and we never hear from him again and he finally logs off. Tesla stockholders wouldn't like it, but the rest of us would. Elon would stand to benefit too, in the same way we all would if we are ever so lucky to retire young. That is my plan, in any case, once I become the richest person in the world.

