Porsche: Cayenne Sales Down, Car Sales Up

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U.S. demand for Cayennes in April was down 40% compared to the same period last year. (Interestingly enough, its sibling, the VW Touareg was also down by 40%.) However, sports car demand was up 21%, no doubt due to the introduction of new 911 and Boxter models. The Cayenne drop could be any number of things: 1) Most people who want a Cayenne already own one. 2) People aren't buying fuel-thirsty SUVs. 3) People finally wised up and thought, "Damn, this thing is uglier than the corpse of Charles Bronson!" However, we're leaning toward the second possibility, as the Touareg is much prettier and less expensive.
-Davey G. Johnson

Porsche U.S. Sales Decline in April [BusinessWeek]

More Crappy Sales News: VW's US Numbers Decline Badly [Internal]