Peterbilt Goes Hybrid, We Applaud Peterbilt

In San Pedro there is problem. And the problem is transport. We hammer on this point like Sweet Peet on his "product, product, product" mantra, but the movement of goods in and out of the harbor has created a massive air-pollution problem. One application where we see hybrid technology as especially beneficial is in medium-to-heavy-duty, short-haul vehicles that require serious torque to get up and go. Just like the container-bearing trucks that clog the southern terminus of the 710 at practically all hours. Peterbilt (East Bay, represent!) apparently agrees and will be displaying two new vehicles at the Hybrid Truck Users Forum next week in San Diego. (Who knew there was such a gathering?)

We know we've got a tendency to give hybrid drivers much shit, generally because they're ill-informed about what they're paying for and give us cross looks when they see our SUV. But seeing as we've put — at most — 200 gallons of gas in it in the last year and they burned far more not using their electric motors on long, single-occupant carpool-lane commutes, screw 'em. We can be self-righteous too, if you haven't noticed. But to us, this heavy-truck-hybrid business is simply brilliant.

According to Peterbilt, their Model 335's diesel will only run for one hour per eight hours of operation. They've also been playing with hydraulic hybrid technology, specifically aimed at the low-speed world of refuse collection. If it works as advertised, get this technology into the Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach and onto the 710 freeway ASAP. It'd make a world of difference here. Now if we could only do something about the congestion...

Peterbilt to Introduce Medium-Duty Hybrid Truck for Fuel Savings of 30-40%>a [Green Car Congress]

Government to Test Hydraulic Hybrid in Garbage Truck [Internal]

