Passengers Kicked Off Flight For Saying 'Penis' Think Penalty Too Stiff

The two men say they were having a ball when they were gotten off the plane with much rowdier passengers.

Flight attendants kicked three passengers off of a flight at Flint Bishop International Airport Monday night, with two of them ejected for referring to a certain part of sexual anatomy, they say.

A father-in-law and son duo claimed things came to a head after the flight crew lumped them in with a couple of combative intoxicated passenger. The cock-up came when the pair, who say they were merely having a good old time and saying the word "penis" for no particular reason, were thrust from their flight. From Fox 2 News:

Jayson Bauer said he and his father-in-law were flying down to Florida to help them move when they were approached by flight staff. He said no reason was given for the removal until they were brought off the flight.

"Finally the Flint police and the airport authority came over and said we were removed because I said the word 'penis' on board an airplane," he said. "I meant it in no derogatory (way). I mean, it's part of the male anatomy and we were literally kicked off an airplane in Flint and we had to drive."

There's no context for why Bauer said the word penis. Being from Michigan, he may have been wondering which appendage people in Florida use to show folks from out of state where they live. Michigan is also the state where a state rep was barred from speaking on the house floor after she said "vagina" during a debate on reproductive rights, so maybe Allegiant Airlines was just being touchy.

But the two are likely not as innocent as Bauer portrays to local media. It may not surprise you that Allegiant Airlines told a different version of the story. It doesn't see Bauer and his father-in-law as a pair of innocent jokester in this hairy matter, at all:

When crew members instructed them to cease their unruly behavior, the passengers failed to comply. As a result, both were deplaned and reaccommodated to other flights. This decision was made with the utmost safety of our customers and crew members in mind. Unruly behavior from a passenger presents a safety risk. As I'm sure you are aware, failing to comply with a crew member's instructions is a violation of FAA regulations. Allegiant does not tolerate disruptive, abusive, or unruly behavior of any kind.

The explanation Bauer gives, that he "...meant it in no derogatory (way). I mean, it's part of the male anatomy," does sound like something a jerk 4th grader would say.

In any case, Bauer and his spouse's dad feel they were shafted, even after Allegiant Airlines dangled the offer of an alternative flight out of Grand Rapids. The two declined, instead deciding to drive. Whether that meant an hour south to Detroit Metro Airport for a connecting flight or the entire 18-hour drive to Florida is unclear. 

