Parisian Fiat 500 To Obama: You Can Cover Your Face, But We Still Own Chrysler!
Citroën Mehari-driving Franzouse did a double-take when he saw this Fiat 500 parked in front of a Fiat dealership in Paris.
Of course, Franzouse is still in a state of shock, since he has been pursuing a barn-find Citroën DS. Here's what he has to say about his finds:
It's been a while, as usual, and I figured I'd bug you with some Parisian pavement beaters. I've got pics of:
Pug 309 GTi (the last sporty Talbot!)
Pug 205 Rallye
Vauxhall Statesman (stretch)
Merc 250 (stretch)
Citroën BX wagon
Citroën CX wagon
BMW 3.0L
and other neat stuff. But I'm writing because I recently saw a weird Fiat 500 convertible with some weird covering depicting various people with hands over their faces.
What struck me as odd is the fact that a guy who looks like Prez Obama, is between little Wayne and Spike Lee. Sizzurp joke anyone?
Maybe it's some artist's idea or something, but that car was parked in front of a Fiat dealership, in Levallois Perret, near Paris, and the conspiracy theorist in me can't help but wonder if it's Sergio Marchione'sidea of humor. Like, "you can cover your face, but we still bought Chrysler!".
I'm also including a pic of a "barn find" I made this summer. This DS hasn't been driven in 2 years -when the original owner passed away- and I'm negotiating with the family to try and acquire it. Bloody French peasants are mean negotiators...