It's easy for us Yankees to underestimate the significance of Eastern-bloc vehicles, considering it was as much our ceaseless current of V8 sedans as an infinite supply of missiles that felled the iron curtain. Cars like Czechoslovakia's Skoda and Hungary's Trabant inspired as much affection among the motoring populace East of the Pale as the VW Beetle did in Southern California or the Ford F150 in the red states. During a recent trip to Prague, two of our most intrepid associates were struck smitten by the Skoda, a brand that survived more changes in government than Henry Kissinger. Their Web-based salute to the Skoda is nothing less than awe-inspiring (or maybe more like aww-inspiring). Either way, it's a story worth checking into. At least for the sake of history.
The Skoda, an Online Primer (1), (2) [KidDigIt]
Communist-Era Trabant Most Stolen Car in Hungary [internal]