Olympic Wrestler Faces Charges For Shooting Deer At Car Dealership

I don't know much about hunting, but I do know something about car dealerships. So I'm fairly certain that when you "make a killing" at a dealer, you don't mean you put an arrow through Bambi. Apparently, Olympic wrestler Dremiel Byers has a different understanding than I do.

According to a report in the Denver Post, on Thursday at 6:52 pm police were called to a Lexus dealership where bystanders reported a man trying to hunt a deer with a bow and arrow. Police found an injured buck and notified animal control, who had to euthanize the animal due the fatal injuries it sustained from the arrow. Police then apprehended Dremiel Byers

Dremiel D. Byers, 39, was charged with suspicion of hunting out of season and illegal possession of wildlife, said Matt Robbins, a spokesman for Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

Byers is a member of the US wrestling team; he placed 9th in his 120kg class for Greco-Roman wrestling in the 2012 Olympics and 7th in his weight class in the 2008 Olympics. He is also a decorated US Army Army sergeant first class ,and is a part of the army's world class athlete program. Byers medals include two meritorious service medals, five army commendation medals, five army achievement medals and six good conduct medals.

I guess we can add a hunting medal to that list.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

If you have a question, a tip, or something you would like to to share about car-buying, drop me a line at AutomatchConsulting@gmail.com and be sure to include your Kinja handle.

