Oh Fudge! More Geely Humor Found In Translation

We thought nothing could top the poorly-translated Geely brochure we saw in Detroit, but we were wrong. We were treated to even more giggles when an enterprising reader (hat tip Farlane) uncovered Geely's website, which appears to have been translated using Babelfish with editing work provided by Ralphie and his Little Orphan Annie Secret Decoder Ring. Although almost all of it is golden, here are some of the more humorous translations...

On the Geely man-machine HQ(S-RV):

"It is belong to HQ family.Some body want lager space to put package when they go to travel.HQ(S-RV) will be your best choose,because it has a large space that ni can put more baggage."

On the sexually confused Geely MR(Sport):

"Its old name is "MS". Equipped with electronic fuel injection engine, MR Sedan has an innovative and decent design. Sheer-metal united auto body ensures the safety of passengers."

On the unfortunately-named Geely PU:

"The waistline is designed in such a clever way that it shaped a unique and sporty body. Delicate truck body fits with the streamline shape. All those show specialty of its design and multi-function characters."

But the award has to go to the Geely BL:

"Its old name is 'BO'"

Good thing they changed the name of that one. It's better, they even have an ad for the car-formerly-known-as-BL. Fortunately for them there's no speaking. Unfortunately for them the music appears to capture the sound of a Transformer farting at the end. Take a look:

Geely International Corporation Home Page [Geely International]

First Geelys Could Hit the US in 2008; Geely Will Go With You for a Happy Life; More Geely [internal]

