No-Fun Police Allegedly Seize Crack And Rocket Launcher From Man's Car

Sutton, Mass. police claim an M190 Army rocket launcher and crack cocaine were recovered from a suspicious car in a hotel parking lot

Not that I would know, but apparently a crack cocaine high can last around 15 minutes, depending on the efficacy, quantity, and purity of the substance, and the size and tolerance of the user. A person could get up to all kinds of mayhem with 15 minutes of excess crack-based energy and a spare surplus U.S. Army M190 rocket launcher. Both of these things together will really get your heart racing and the dopamine flowing. It's the kind of combination that could potentially cause a lot of harm to the launcher and the launchee alike.

Sutton, Massachusetts, police detective Sinni spied a suspicious vehicle on Monday evening in the parking lot of a Red Roof Inn. When they approached the operator, one Harvey Johnson, Jr. of nearby Spencer, Mass., was allegedly observed holding "items typically used in conjunction with illegal narcotics use." In the process of searching the vehicle, Sinni claims to have found a small but unspecified amount of crack cocaine and the above pictured M190 rocket launcher.

From the Sutton Police Department's Facebook Page:

On Wednesday (correction, this was on's been a bit hectic lately), Det. Alex Sinni was doing some surveillance on a suspicious vehicle located in the side parking lot of the Red Roof Inn. Det. Sinni ultimately approached the vehicle which was occupied by one male in the driver's seat, and began engaging him in conversation. While speaking with the operator, now known to be, Harvey Johnson Jr. of Spencer, MA, Det. Sinni observed items typically used in conjunction with illegal narcotics use. As Det. Sinni continued on with his investigation of this male, he also located an M190 U.S. Army Rocket Launcher in Mr. Johnson's vehicle. Mmmmhmmm, you read that correctly....a ROCKET LAUNCHER! Det. Sinni also located a small amount of a Class B (crack cocaine) substance inside the vehicle.

Needless to say, the rocket launcher and drugs were seized by Det. Sinni and Mr. Johnson was charged with both of them. We had to do some research on what one does once they take possession of a rocket launcher (who knew?). Our colleagues from the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) arrived at our station yesterday to meet with Det. Sinni and custody of the device was turned over to those agents.

Mr. Johnson was charged with Possession of a Class B substance (crack cocaine) and Possession/Control of an Incendiary Device.

While possession of crack cocaine is definitely against the law, the M190 "light anti-tank weapon" amounts to little more than a metal tube if it isn't also carrying a rocket. The M190 specification refers to a 35mm training variant, which fires M73-designation "practice rockets." Reporting from the Associated Press confirms that the tube was not loaded with a rocket.

It seems that M190 launchers are fairly easy to come by in an inert state, and may be able to be purchased from military surplus stores or even online vendors. The U.S. Army said it needed more time to look into the situation before providing comment.

