Since our Japanese is about as nonexistent as Kevin Federline's babydaddying restraint, we thought we'd toss this out to the readers among you in Viewerville who have a bit more experience with the Official Written Language of Nippon than we do. And our question is this: What is that red Japaston thing on the cover there? Is it the new Supra? The kids over at the CruiseIRL forum think so. What think ye? [UPDATE: Reader Tim writes, "My japanese wife says the mag title is "Best Car". The characters refer to a 350 horsepower new Supra, the red one; in development, nothing about production; cost 3,000,000 yen (approx 30,000 US$). Thats about it." Thanks, Tim!]
Could This be the New Supra? [Cruise IRL via AutoSpies]
The 1000hp Sin City Supra [Internal]