Neighborhood Residents Throw Birthday Party For Abandoned VW Golf
The residents of George Street in Shefford, UK sure know how to have a good time. They'll apparently find any excuse to throw a party. I don't know this for absolutely certain, but I'm extrapolating because they all got together to throw a birthday party for a Volkswagen Golf Mk5 that's been abandoned on the street since December 2019.
Neighbors noticed the car wasn't leaving its spot pretty soon after it parked there, and some noticed that the interior "was filling up with strange things," including chips (I guess they mean fries since they're in the UK), earrings, shoes, and shampoo bottles, which, really, don't strike me as all that strange, as far as things go.
Still, the Golf never moved, and despite being reported to the local council and even the mayor, the car remains, since, in the words of a resident who spoke with a council officer, the council decided that "it was a decent car it could not possibly be abandoned!"
I'll admit, I'm a little jealous of the amount of leeway given to street-parked shitboxes there.
With nothing done about the forlorn hatchback for a solid year, the residents decided to celebrate the anniversary a little bit, festively decorating the car and, I imagine, getting a little drunk and walking past it a few times. I mean, that beats the hell out of posting a bunch of pissy complaints about it on Nextdoor, right?
Also, I admire the gearheads on the YouTube comments of that video already salivating over parts for their own Mk5 Golf projects:

There's no news on the fate of the car, but I'm going to hope the neighborhood will just adopt it as their own and maybe turn it into a fun little clubhouse for the local kids or something like that.
Or, hell, get it running and just make it a shared-use, neighborhood car with a sign-up sheet mounted on the fender! That'd be useful!
(thanks, Sid!)