Modest Mouse Singer Responsible For Subaru Apocalypse In Portland

The lead singer of Modest Mouse, a band you remember listening to about a decade ago, decided to go for a drive in Portland, Oregon, a few days ago. He reportedly says he fell asleep, at which point every single Subaru in the world was destroyed.

Either that, or every single car in Portland is a Subaru. Which is more plausible, actually. Anyway, from the Oregonian:

Sgt. Pete Simpson said [Modest Mouse frontman Isaac] Brock failed to stop as he approached traffic stopped at Southeast Grand Avenue after crossing the Morrison Bridge.

The Modest Mouse frontman "hit the rear of a City of Portland Parks pick-up-truck, which hit a Subaru, which hit another Subaru, which likely hit a 5th car that left the scene (perhaps not knowing it had been tapped)."

That fifth car was probably also a Subaru.

Brock displayed no signs of intoxication, so he was let go with a charge of careless driving.

Brock called Portland a "kind of a crappy weird" place last year, The Oregonian reports.

