Michigan's Governor Compared Flooding To Leaky Roof At Vacation Home

Metro Detroit is still pulling itself out from under water. The freeways are finally clear after the region was hit by torrential rain, but people are still dealing with flooded basements — some full of sewage — and other damage. Our governor can relate; he had holes in his vacation home roof once.

It seems like this is the time for people to awkwardly empathize with people in real crises, and Gov. Rick Snyder is all over it. While doing a radio interview, Snyder — a multi-millionaire before taking the governor's seat, FYI — commented that he, too, knows the pain of what a little water can do. Here's the toughest nerd showing his weak side:

"I've been through a lot of things like that, Frank," Snyder said. "We just recently had holes in our roof from storm damage to our lake house.

"We have a vacation place and we had a limb come down on the roof and had water running through the whole place; those experiences are not (inaudible) once."

A reminder about the casualties of this week's storm: At least three people are dead, there are thousands of dollars of damage to thousands of cars (including that famous FoST), it could cost $2 billion to finish cleanup efforts, homeless shelters saw an immediate increase of those seeking shelter, and much to the benefit of local media outlets social media is full of people throwing out all of their prized, water-logged possessions.

Oh, and the fact that very few people in Michigan have lake houses — and even if they did, they don't have exactly the same kind of funding Snyder has to fix it up.

Of course, the Michigan Democratic Party seized on the Republican governor's comments and made a video of it, making sure to mention that the house in question is worth about a million bucks:

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