Michigan Woman's Mustang Becomes Real KITT

Just in time for the September 24th premier of NBC's new Knight Rider show, the local NBC news affiliate in Grand Rapids, Michigan has found a great way to shamelessly promote the show a woman claiming that her recently sold Mustang GT was bought to be turned into a real-life example of KITT for the show. Deb Fralick had to sell her beloved Ford Mustang GT for $19,000 after faced with bills from a life-threatening illness and several visits to the Mayo Clinic. We're not exactly sure how much time her car will actually spend on-set, as right now it's said to be in the Toronto area on a promotional tour. Fralick said of the car "I just turned 50. So it actually made me feel like I was 18 again." Now, she's cruising around in an early '90s Buick Regal GS, which is good transportation but hardly a Mustang GT. Fortunately, if her now KITT-ified Mustang ever goes back up for sale she gets first dibs. [WOODTV]

