Miami Vs. Austin: Which Formula 1 Grand Prix Venue Is Better For Fans?
Looking to attend an American F1 race next year? The fans who went to both 2022 events can help you pick one.
With the introduction of the Miami Grand Prix this season and the impending Las Vegas Grand Prix in 2023, Formula 1 can truly relate to the title of The 1975's widely under-appreciated song, "I Like America and America Likes Me." And as someone who has been to both the United States Grand Prix at Austin and the Miami GP — and talked to multiple other fans who did the same — I'm here to help you decide which venue is better suited to you.
Where Austin brings the southern charm and the stereotypical (read: sometimes super cringe-y) American themes of cowboys, pickup trucks, and Danny Ric on a horse in the paddock, Miami capitalizes on the city's reputation for glitz and glamour, celebrity culture, tropical vibes, and more than a few butt lifts and filled lips. Because what says "America" more than cowboy boots and BBLS?
But which track deserves the honor of being the UAGP (Ultimate American Grand Prix)? And what opportunities does Las Vegas have to edge out both its predecessors? Let's break it down.
To take the cake on UAGP, we're analyzing both events based on six factors:
Food and beverage options (both quantity and quality);
Availability of water/hydration;
Accessibility of the track (options for getting there, commuter organization);
Seating options (variety of ticket levels/prices, views of the actual circuit);
Wifi/cell service availability and reliability;
And finally, Overall Vibes™
Ready? Let's go.
This post is a guest post from Kate Lizotte, co-founder of Two Girls 1 Formula. You can find her on Twitter.
Winner: Austin
Please sir, may I have some more?
Austin came out ahead of Miami for food and beverage options, but only by a small margin. Many fans preferred the quality of the Miami food, and a fan named Adam said the Miami food and beverage options were slightly cheaper. Marion E.B. also noted that Miami was great because "using the stadium almost like a central roundabout was so easy to get everywhere and access any food options you were after easily."
Austin proponents enjoyed the variability of options available that catered to different tastes. Kaley B. pointed out that Austin provided plant-based, vegan, and gluten-free options for people with dietary restrictions or are pickier about their food choices.
I personally enjoyed the grab-and-go food and beverage tents in Austin, which provided a more cafeteria feel. Several vendors were stationed in the tents with prepackaged meals like sandwiches, bowls, etc. and there were several barrels filled with waters, gatorades, sodas, and energy drinks. The check out lines were extremely short and allowed for an in-and-out experience minimizing the amount of time spent away from the action on track.
Winner: Austin
[Insert Spongebob 'need water' scene here]
In a nearly unanimous vote, Austin won out over Miami with their hydration stations. According to a fan named Ally, COTA had water refill stations behind every grandstand, and vendors "every 15 feet selling cold alcohol and water." She also noted that in Miami, there were fewer water stations with, "no cooling system, so [the water] was scorching hot... people were desperate for cold water." Sam M. also appreciated that vendors walked through the general admission areas selling cold waters, and refill stations were obvious and easy to find.
One area where Miami won over Austin came from Bri K., who noted that Miami sold reusable water bottles for $5, so you were able to refill your water throughout the day. Austin didn't have reusable bottles for sale, so if you didn't bring one, you were stuck purchasing new bottles all day.
Pro tip: As both an Austin and Miami attendee myself, I can confirm that the water in Miami was hotter than the temperature outside and did nothing to cool you off. My group and I ended up bringing frozen water bottles with us for race day after seeing who I consider to be the smartest couple of all time doing so on Saturday. The water stayed cool much longer and acted as an ice pack in the sweltering heat. 12/10 recommend.
Save a horse ride... the shuttle?
Both Austin and Miami included several modes of transportation for getting to and from the tracks. Parking lots were available for those who wanted to drive, shuttles had designated stations around each respective city to bring fans to the track, and some fans chose various rideshare services.
While neither track received overwhelmingly positive reviews, Miami seemed to be the track with better accessibility. Paige A. Ubered to a shuttle that then took her to the track at both races and said her experience in Miami was flawless and easy, with "plenty of signs and directions." In Austin, though, it was a nightmare and "really overshadowed a lot of the fun from the weekend."
Andy A. was team Austin for parking. He noted that he had parking passes at both tracks, and while neither track was perfect, it was easier to get from his parking lot to the track in Austin than in Miami, where he had to take a shuttle, tram, or even a pedi-cab.
With any event this large, the ease of travel to/from will depend on a number of outside factors including what parking lot you're assigned to, how many other people choose to take the shuttle, and how many rideshare services are available nearby. It seems that both Miami and Austin have their work cut out to improve accessibility, but this is an area where I predict there will always be shortcomings.
Winner: Austin
YOU get a good view of the track and YOU get a good view of the track and YOU get a good view of the track! Everyone gets a good view of the track!!!
In another landslide vote, Austin was named best track in terms of seating, largely due to the layout of the track itself and the availability of general admission tickets. Marion E.B. said, "For actual racing, COTA wins hands down with awesome views from both grandstands and general admission areas."
Other praise for Austin included the fact that the hilly nature of the track allowed for multiple viewpoints no matter where you were sitting, added to the large number of general admission and grandstand seats.
Criticism of Miami was — similar to Austin's praise — centered around the track layout and ticket options. Tuan noted that because Miami's track is "a [flat] parking lot," any turn or straight you're sitting at is the only view you'll have of the track. Ally explained that her frustration lied in the fact that Miami had minimal grandstands, no grass for GA, and that "the whole place was overtaken by private cabanas and the yacht club." She preferred Austin and even chose to sit in general admission for a session despite having grandstand seats because it was so comfortable and the views were so good.
Winner: Miami
The old Taylor can't come to the phone right now. Why? Because there's no fucking service!
Cell service and wifi were not ideal at either track, but in the wise words of Ally: "I could at least make phone calls at Miami, and they had wifi available at specific points. [In Austin] it felt as though my phone was practically useless."
Libi G. also shared that Miami had cell charging pads in certain places, something I did not see or hear of being available in Austin. Paige also connected the poor service in Austin to her troubles getting home from the track. Because she didn't have service or wifi connection, it impacted her ability to call a rideshare service to get home.
To note, wifi was available at certain areas around the Austin track, but these areas were reserved for higher-priced ticket holders. VIP suites, cabanas, and the Paddock Club all had wifi, but even that was not a guarantee with so many people trying to use it. There was also a moment on Saturday when the wifi completely went out around the track, rendering Apple Pay and other internet-enabled services useless. I would assume Miami was similar in the way that VIP areas included better wifi.
Winner: Austin
Caught a vibe, baby are you coming for the ride (of your life at the Austin Grand Prix)
Austin came out on top simply for the #vibes. The track layout worked in Austin's favor, with most praise centering around the views of the track and its superior racing. Tuan shared that "this was my 10th time going to Austin, and this was my best experience by far. I went to Miami and Montreal so far [this year]... Austin has been my fave."
Other important factors in Austin's win in this category came with ticket price and bathroom access. Because of the variability in seating options, Austin is simply more accessible to various price points. Those who want to shell out the cash for better seats, wifi access, and potential run-ins with celebrities can do so with Paddock Club passes, VIP suite and cabana tickets, and more, while people who may not have the same funds as Brad Pitt can opt for lower-priced ticket options like grandstands and, even cheaper, general admission (which we've already discussed still has incredible views).
As a final note on the vibes of both races, Kaley B. put it perfectly: "People were at Miami to be seen. People were at [Austin] to see F1."
The Ultimate American Grand Prix
Let's review the facts. Based on our research (which I'll have you know is painstakingly organized in an extensive Google spreadsheet), Austin was the winner of best food and beverage, water availability, seating options, and overall vibes. Miami took the cake in terms of cell service/WiFi and track accessibility.
Using simple math here, we have a clear winner of the Ultimate American Grand Prix: Austin!
With Las Vegas entering the calendar next year, it already has big shoes (or should we say cowboy boots?) to fill. We already know tickets are going to be highly limited and also expensive, so in order to take P1 from Austin, we'll be looking for them to improve even further on:
Water availability: Can we get a Fat Tuesday reusable giant water bottle?!
Transportation to/from the track: Hopefully as a street circuit right off the strip, this should be relatively doable. Shuttles from outside the strip will be the big question mark.
Wifi/cell service: As a city that sees as much tourism as it does, and as many concerts and festivals as are thrown in Vegas, I'm hopeful Vegas will be able to deliver here.
What do y'all think? Will Vegas lasso Austin right off the top step of the podium? Or will Austin keep its crown?