Mercedes Put A Crazy Amount Of Development Work Into The 2014 S-Class
Mercedes goes into insane amounts of detail and precision for almost everything it produces, but the 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Class is going to be its new flagship. And when it's your flagship, you've got to do it right. This video shows the borderline-obsessive attention paid to development and testing for der neue S.
Not only does the car have some pretty futuristic new features like the ability to keep you in lane on the highway on its own and person-recognizing nightvision (it sounds weird, you'll just have to watch it), but this video has some crazy features as well, like a fantastic moustache right at the beginning, world's most German amusement park ride at 4:32 and a Ray Wert doppelganger around five minutes in. Who knew the company was so advanced?
In all seriousness, while the video tends to be a big commercial for Mercedes, it provides a fascinating look into just what happens when a company decides it wants to develop an all-new car.