Meet The Ladies Of The Pyongyang Traffic Bureau
In what's becoming our favorite budding Internet sensation, we pay tribute to the North Korean ladies who substitute a hypnotic dance for working traffic lights at Pyongyang, North Korea's many intersections.
We got our first tip on this new fascination on Friday and it's since gone ballistic with even Roger Ebert getting in on the fun. It turns out there's even a forum dedicated to the "world-renowned trafficwomen of the DPRK." Traffic is sparse and unemployment rampant so there's something almost logical about these women and their professions, even if they could all be replaced with stop signs.
As for the uniforms? They were created by the "great leader" Kim Jong Il. So, you know, there's a lighter side to the maniac dictator.
Photo Credit: PETER PARKS/AFP/Getty Images, Wang Tae-Suk-Pool/Getty Images, Lynne O'DONNELL/AFP/Getty Images, STEPHEN SHAVER/AFP/Getty Images. PIERRE BESSARD/AFP/Getty Images, STR/AFP/Getty Images. Video Credit: Peter_Knauss
(Hat tip to Zeeboid)