Masturbator Forces Virgin America Flight To Land In Nebraska

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A Virgin America flight had to land in Omaha, Nebraska on Monday morning, after a 26 year-old passenger was caught allegedly masturbating at his seat, and then later tried to open the emergency exit door during the flight.

According to NBC Los Angeles, the FAA called the incident an "unscheduled medical emergency." However, the police report said the diversion was caused by a 26 year-old man from Woodside, California named Doug Adams, who was "masturbating in flight and later tried to open an exit door." An L.A. film producer named Sam Slater was sitting in front of Adams, and gave the same account to NBC. Slater said that Adams was wearing a hospital bracelet, and that after trying to open the emergency exit door, Adams was restrained by two Boston Police officers, who were also on the flight. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Omaha said that rather than being arrested upon landing, Adams was taken to a hospital for observation.

Virgin America pic by Aero Icarus on Flickr (CC Commercial License)