Massachusetts Cops Would Like To Know How An Empty Car Ended Up Upside Down In A Tree

You'd think after a wreck like that, there would at least be some sign of the driver.

Usually, when there's a wreck, figuring out what happened is pretty straightforward. A car gets rear-ended in traffic? Easy. Another car loses control in a corner and goes off the road? That's not hard to piece together. But a recent crash in Massachusetts still has police confused about what happened in part because there is no sign of a driver or any passengers.

WCVB reports that the assumed wreck took place off Interstate 495 in Boxborough, Massachusetts, which is about an hour and a half northwest of Boston. Police found the white Jeep Compass on its nose and propped up by a tree. But while the body was severely damaged, and several of its windows were broken, emergency crews weren't able to find the driver or any passengers even after searching the surrounding area.

Aside from the missing driver, what really makes this case interesting is that all of the Compass's doors were closed when police arrived on the scene. Someone had to be driving the car in order to wreck it, and it's possible that they had someone come to pick them up before the police arrived. But that doesn't explain the part where they survived what is pretty clearly an awful crash and still took the time to close the doors after they managed to escape.

Is this just a drunk driver thing? (Yes. — Ed.) We all knew at least one person in college who, no matter how hammered they were, always managed to take out their contacts, plug in their phone, put their wallet and keys on the nightstand, and grab a glass of water and a few ibuprofen before passing out. Maybe this driver simply refused to leave the door to their car open before they left the scene.

While a lot less likely, we have to admit, it does look like the kind of wreck you'd see in some random CW show. Was the driver attacked and taken by vampires? Could it have been werewolves? We don't see any claw marks on the side of the Compass, so odds are, it wasn't werewolves. But at least for now, you can't definitively rule out vampires. Actually, has anyone seen Nina Dobrev recently?

