Lovely Ferrari FF Gets Bad Facial Surgery From A Delivery Truck
It's not everyday that you see a Ferrari FF. And it's really not everyday that you see a Ferrari FF wedged under a delivery truck. Today is the latter, and it's a sad day.
This images is on the go-go upper west side of Manhattan, where a Ferrari FF had a coming together with a box truck, and not in the good way.
Not like there is a good way for an FF to meet a box truck.
Police on the scene have said that it is unclear who was at fault yet. Either the box truck backed into the FF, or the FF was overzealous and ran right into the back. What we've heard is that the owner wasn't driving the car, his driver was when the accident occurred. The owner showed up shortly after and was apparently very displeased. I'm sure you can imagine why.
The truck has been pulled off the FF, here's the damage report when all is said and done.
Hat Tip to Blipshift!