This Does Not Look Great

How did it get there? Yeah, I'm asking the same thing. Police in Linden, New Jersey, discovered this 2008 blue Acura dangling off an overpass Saturday morning. It just looks so helpless, like a turtle on its back.

It may look like a bad photoshop job, but according to, that little fence beyond the rail is really all that kept this car from obliteration on the freeway below. Uh huh. That is certainly a close one. Here's more from

Elizabeth police said the driver and a passenger were able to safely get out, but left the scene without calling police to report the crash.

Police said they were later found walking in Linden.

The driver, Miguel Vargas, 34, of Carteret was charged with failure to report an accident, leaving the scene of an accident and careless driving, police said.

It's not exactly clear how they got out (maybe through the back doors?), but I'm enjoying the image of these two simply mulling about town, minutes after their car nearly plunged over an overpass and onto the unforgiving concrete below.

Did they put their hands in their pockets and whistle when the cops came by? Were they sheepish about the whole thing?

