Look At These Amazing VWs From A World That Never Was

I've always loved the rather sad failure that was the VW Type 4. This was VW's attempt to modernize and luxury-ize their old rear engine, air-cooled formula. Much like Porsche did, only with lots more failure in the mix. But I always liked them, which may be why these mockups of Type 4s that never were are so appealing.

The VW Type 4 was a unibody, modern, fuel-injected, air-cooled, rear-engined, mid-to-higher-range car. It was just around at the wrong time, and was too little and too late for VW, who turned to the more modern water-cooled FWD Golf and its descendants to pull it into modernity.

I always thought the Type 4s never quite got the chance they deserved, and it appears that theSamba member Lahti411 agrees with me. Lahti411 is also pretty handy with Photoshop, and mocked up these lovely 412 variants that never got the chance to happen.

I think they play on the Type 4's inherent crisp, clean, handsome no-bullshit lines in a very effective way, and the idea of a pillar-less coupe on the design is fantastic. Plus, look at that racing spider!

Oh man. When's someone going to invent that machine that makes things I look at become real, already? What the hell are they waiting for? UL certification? Probably.

