Livesketching With Influential Car Designer J Mays

J. Mays is the Chief Creative Officer for Ford, and is the man behind Ford's current resurgence as a design innovator. Mays has been a major force in the world of auto design for many years, creating such modern icons as the new Mustang, the Audi TT, and updating the iconic Beetle to the New Beetle, starting an industry-wide retrofuturistic movement.

He'll be live on video here thanks to Drive, and I will be here to act as your proxy to help with visual questions, ideas, whatever. Use Kinja to enter your questions below, and we'll pass them on to J Mays.

When else can you ask questions directly to one of the most influential living auto designers, and have him right there, talking, while I stand around with a sketchpad? Never, that's when, so think of some good ones and take advantage of this. It'll be fun.

Ask questions below and we'll answer in the comments and in the video above.

UPDATE: The video portion of the interview is over, but J. Mays is still answering questions below live and, shortly, a recording of the interview will be available above.

UPDATE 2: He's done answering questions. You can read the questions answered in the text below, and see the video of him answering questions above. Thank to J. Mays and everyone else for participating.

