Listen To The Swedish Army Band Absolutely Crush ABBA's 'Dancing Queen'
Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf celebrated his 70th birthday on April 30, 2016 with a big royal party in Stockholm featuring an awesome choreographed rendition of ABBA's "Dancing Queen" by a Swedish army band. Looks like a groovy time.
As the Associated Press via CTV recounted the ceremony's proceedings:
After a service in the palace chapel attended by the king's family and royal visitors from Japan, Spain, the Netherlands and Denmark, the outdoor pomp and celebrations for Sweden's monarch of 43 years included a tightly choreographed military parade. In the palace yard, children gave the king flowers before gun salutes rang out, and he went on a ride through Stockholm in an open horse-drawn carriage.
Classy! Somewhat unlike that old dog Gustaf, who's apparently still in the Swedish media doghouse with a "past predilection for wild, alcohol-fueled orgies and naked jacuzzi parties with models."
In our lives, we have walked some strange and lonely treks. Slightly worn, but dignified, and not too old for sex. Right, highness?