Let's Appreciate This Belgian Man's Parking Skill Again
Sure, you've probably seen it before, but so what?
Just to be clear, yes, I know this video of a Belgian man parking in a tiny garage is old. A lot of you have seen it before. I've seen it before. It's not new. I get it. But sometimes, it's OK to rewatch something just because it's good, and you enjoy it.
Since most of our readers are Americans, I went with a version that's subtitled in English. It's probably not a perfect translation, but hopefully, it's not so bad that it offends any Dutch-speaking readers.
That said, if you're truly desperate for a new video to watch, might I recommend the latest episode of Tasting History? It's not about cars, but the host is great, it's always relaxing and you might learn a thing or two in the process. Or you'll end up binging everything Max has ever posted instead of doing whatever it is that your boss says you should be doing today. Happy Friday!
Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, the parking video. If you happen to have missed it the first time around, it shows the process that 87-year-old Eugene Breynaert goes through every time he wants to park his car. And unlike most parking situations, it really is an entire process because his garage is only a couple of inches wider than the car is.
As you can imagine, getting into the garage without hitting the walls is only half the battle. Once you're in, how do you get out? Crawl through a window? Obviously, he's got a solution for that. He's got a solution for everything. It's a full-on parking system.
But more importantly, Breynaert is just so damn charming. That's really what makes this video enjoyable to rewatch. You can tell he's proud of the system he perfected over the years, and the absurdity of the situation isn't lost on him. And if he invited you in for tea, you know he'd have all kinds of stories.
Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend and go drive some cars.