Let This Sharp-Eyed Ambulance Driver Show You Losers How It's Done
Oh, so you think you're hot shit behind the wheel?
This delightful run of an ambulance driver through crowded streets is making the rounds this morning and damn, I haven't seen such skilled maneuvering through stressful traffic in a long time.
The video was originally posted to TikTok and Instagram by Turkish user @paramedicoffciall. Some of this users videos show fairly sane driving, along with honking and loud sirens, but this bit of driving was a bit more aggressive.
This isn't the only video showing off this driver's mad-dash skills. Most of the TikTok videos uploaded reminds viewer that "participating in this activity could result in you or others getting hurt." I'd go a little stronger and say do not drive like this if you don't have both the training and a vehicle with a giant siren on top and you are literally on your way to save a life.
Maybe this driver should take a page from WWI ambulance driver Gwenda Hawkes and switch careers to race car driver. They'd dominate NASCAR and definitely make for more interesting races.
Driving in Turkey actually looks like a lovely adventure when you aren't dodging traffic on your way to a medical emergency, at least through David Tracy's eyes. You can read all about it here.