Let Me Tell You About A True Mighty Muscle Machine: The Pontiac Firebird Trans Am
Hey there bud. Hi. It's me, the car guy you know. I've been hearing you're thinking of moving up. Well, let me tell you about a real up and comer's winner car: the Pontiac Firebird Trans Am.
You might be thinking, aw man, the Trans Am. That's a yesterday car. That's old news. That's what the weird guy still with the baggy pants drives.
You might tell me, nah. You might say I don't know. You might tell me you're not sure that a Trans Am is for you. Well let me return to you with a question:
Do you want to be a winner?
Trans Ams are for the winners of the world. Try to let anyone tell you different when you get a big cam in one of these. You can do it. You can pay for it. You can buy it. You can be it. It's simple, you can do it. What about a WS6? One of the last of the run, end of an era. 325 horsepower from the factory. LS1 engine. Six-speed manual if you want it. Stiffer springs. Meatier anti-roll bars.
A Trans Am is a doorway. A Trans Am is the smart buyer's way into muscle. A Trans Am is a scream into the infinite, stepping into the abyss with certainty and resolve, unafraid: Send your violence! Send your strength! I am a river of torment the likes of which you have never seen!
A Trans Am is a beast. A Trans Am is a bonfire. A Trans Am is a stack of amps waiting to get plugged in.
A windsnatcher. A roadcleaver. A low-flying missile of implied intent. A horizon-finder. A will-maker. A jailstormer. A crowd-quieter. An ice king. An reverberating ripple across the lake of America. A morningstar. A cudgel. A howitzer. A crusher. A hammer. A lance. An axe. A whale wielding its own harpoon. A wild son hill hounding cross the country breaking bars.
It's a powerhouse. It's a good car. It could be yours more easily than you think.