Learn How To Change A Tire From The Most Fabulous Person I've Ever Seen

If Lady Camden can change a tire, then so can you.

Changing a tire is just one of those life skills everyone ought to know how to do. Just because you don't think you'll ever need to change a tire, it doesn't hurt to know how to do it properly. Here's another video about how to do it properly, hosted by the most fabulous person I've ever seen in my life.

A new video on Lady Camden's YouTube page, who does drag in the San Francisco area, features a proper lesson in learning to change a tire. "Today we get learned with John the mechanic as he teaches us all how to change a tire," the video's caption explains. "He demonstrates ease and Lady Camden remains a sleaze. Enjoy!"

Changing a tire isn't difficult, but it does require some effort. I did it once in my high school parking lot for a friend and we only had the shitty jack her car came with.

I don't think I'd be able to do it while wearing sparkly, six-inch platform pumps, though. There was a time when I was once able to wear shoes like those and be functional. That time is no more; it never existed for this application. And even on my best day, I wish for the confidence to wear that utterly perfect, hot-pink camo outfit. Who says you must wrench whilst wearing a grimy pair of coveralls?

Lady Camden's YouTube channel is a new development. She said over the phone she thought it'd be fun and informative to see a drag queen struggle through a basic skill we think we should know but might not. Future automotive how-tos will include learning to check the oil and replacing spark plugs, which I am personally very excited for.

But it won't stop there. There are plans for learning farm skills, butchering meat, cooking a specific type of food and maybe even a trapeze lesson.

Take a look at the video. It's the most delightful thing you'll see today.

This post was originally published on December 10, 2019

