The popular mid '70s TV show, Land of the Lost, featured a place in which time forgot — where dinosaurs, Pakuni cavemen and reptile/lizard Sleestaks roamed. We watched the re-runs of this series when we were kids and were absolutely amazed. Flash forward to today. We don't have the slightest clue where all of these photos of lost, rotting and rusted super cars are from but we do know they're all exotica of some form or another (they may or may not all be from the Netherlands). You've got yer Ferraris, Lamborghini, Porsche and even a DeLorean — and they're all shots we've never seen. Frankly, its like our very own Land Of The Lost Super Cars — and it makes us really sad. Take a peek through the full gallery below and share in our sadness. Hit the jump to see the rest.
We wish we knew more — but frankly, we don't speak the language, ya know. Anyone want to translate for us?
UPDATE: Yeah, this thing's been all over since the beginning of the internet, or at least since December, 2007. Oh well, still a sad sight to see, ain't it? [via Geenstijl] Some say he has a tattoo of a Saleen S7 on his rear end. Others tell us he was born with a penchant for oil rather than his mum's milk. All we know is he's called the Auto Insider and he's always ready to provide the scoop from the other side of Eight Mile.
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