Koenigsegg To Bring New CCX Supercar To The US
Among supercars that can travel one-third the speed of sound (at sea level, natch) the Bugatti Veyron gets all the press, having recently hit 252 mph — besting the Koeingsegg CCR's 241 mph — to make the Bug the world's fastest production car. Now, Sweden's Koenigsegg is plotting to answer Volkswagen's stomping, with a new, 800-hp supercar that, joy of joys, will be available in the US. The new model, the Koenigsegg CCX, is set for a Geneva show debut, according to the boys at Gizmag. Though it likely won't defeat the Veyron, it will go from zero to 62 in 3.2 seconds and run a nine-second quarter-mile at 146 mph. At around $650,000, it'll even be a kind of bargain, in a twisted, overindulgent sort of way. [Thanks to Rob for the tip.]
Koenigsegg to release CCX for American market [Gizmag]
Have Yourself a Merry Little Swedish Supercar Christmas [internal]