Kansans Are Going Crazy Over A Terrible Driver Nicknamed 'The CR-V Lady'

Tecumseh, Kansas, near Topeka is home to perhaps the worst driver in the world. Known by many as "The CR-V Lady," Patricia McDonald has garnered such a reputation from her poor driving that there's actually a Facebook page called "CRV Lady Awareness Of Topeka" to warn citizens of her whereabouts.

After readers sent them a number of photos and videos showing a woman driving a Honda CR-V recklessly near Topeka, local news site KSNT News found that the woman—whom they identified as Patricia McDonald—has been cited over 20 times since 1996. Of those, seven were for speeding, one was for inattentive driving and one was for driving under the influence.

The news site says a more recent run-in with law enforcement happened in the spring of 2016, when McDonald parked her car in the middle of the road; since that case was finalized in October of the same year, the news site says, McDonald has received five additional tickets

KSNT News described some of the complaints drivers have voiced against the "CRV Lady," saying:

There have been reports of this woman running people off the road, causing traffic issues such as driving the wrong way on the street, stopping in the middle of the street and almost running into people.

Many of these complaints are written on the Police Scanner Group of Topeka Facebook page, a group of individuals who listen in on police scanners to see what the rozzers are up to. Here are a few of those complaints (via the CRV Lady Awareness Group Facebook Page):

And some more:

On the Police Scanner Group of Topeka page, Facebook-er Christina Weyand posted what sounds like a discussion between officers about the "CR-V Lady's" erratic driving:

What has caused an even bigger stir, lately, has been this photo by Facebook user Alex Wilson, allegedly showing McDonald driving her CR-V with a piece of paper over her face:

Since that strange photo made it to social media, a number of people on both the Police Scanner and CRV Awareness groups have posted pictures of themselves wearing a white sheet of paper over their faces in an effort to mock McDonald.

We still don't know exactly what could possibly be driving this "CR-V Lady" to terrorize the streets of Topeka—perhaps there's more to it that incompetence or simply a short temper. Either way, if there's a Facebook group devoted to tracking your whereabouts, you know you've got a problem.

KSNT News news says this may all come to a head soon, as McDonald is expected to confront a number of traffic-related citations in court in the coming months—citations which could ultimately cause her to lose her license.

h/t: David Freeland

