Kamper Krisis: Winnebago Profits Plunge 73%, We Offer Suggestions

RV manufacturer Winnebago has seen sales decline 40% in the third quarter, dragging profits down by an astonishing 73%. But what should the manufacturer of hulking, bricklike houses on wheels with no immediate potential for improved fuel economy expect? Although abandoned RVs have become popular housing options in the midst of the mortgage crisis, new RVs are not as similarly embraced. So what can Winnebago do? Some ideas after the jump.

  • Have a 72-Hour Sale: Hey, it worked for GM, right? Well, no, but Winnebago could consider long-term interest-free financing on its mid-range models, possibly enticing some fence-sitters. And if you need to extend it out, that's okay; you can just say the 72 hours was in tortoise years or something.

  • Offer cheap gas: Hey, it worked for Chryserberus, right? Well, no. But a gas price deal has proven to be a showroom draw; you just have to make sure you have some stuff folks want to buy there when they arrive.

  • Create a snappy ad campaign: Winnebago needs to live on the Edge-uh! Hey, it worked for Ford, right? Well, no. But at least tell people what you've got for sale; last time we actually noticed a Winnebago was 1986, and that's only because we were enjoying a show courtesy of a comely young lass pressing herself against the back window.

    So, there you have it. Good luck, Winnebago, we'd miss you if you were gone, even though we kind of thought you already were. [AP/Google; Photo Credit: Auto Engine Lube]

