JustKampers Gives New Meaning To Term "Short Bus"

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UK-based JustKampers.com teamed up with habitual car midgetizer Andy Saunders to build the worlds shortest VW Bus at Bug Jam '08, a celebration of all things people's car. The build and event took place last week, with a live audience watching the transformation from a standard issue T25 bus to a chopped, sectioned, and lowered bus measuring in at a scant three feet tall. So short, in fact, that a sunroof had to be cut out for the driver's head to poke through while driving. More construction shots and the completed vehicle gallery below.

What's doubly funny about this effort is the fact that when all was said and done, they took it to the drag strip to have a go. Despite our best efforts, the quarter-mile times for the "Vancake," or as we like to call it, "The World's Most Literal Shortbus," could not be found. While hilarious in its own right, we think they should have swung for the deep seats and gone with a pop up camper in the back. [JustKampers and VWBug.co.uk]