Jeremy Clarkson Calls Ben Collins A "Greedy Twat"
In a taped interview, Top Gear's Jeremy Clarkson talks frankly about the Ben Collins/Stig controversy and shares how hurt he was by Collins. At the same event he also called him "The Greedy Twat" instead of The Stig.
Do yourself a favor and skip ahead in the video to about 27:35, unless of course you want to learn more about belly dancers in West Oxfordshire and the latest news about the Witney United FA cup. You'll see Clarkson call Collins greedy, but apparently at this same charity event he called him "The Greedy Twat." Ouch.
For those who haven't been keeping up, the identity of The Stig has been pinned to Ben Collins for quite a while, but Top Gear's producers remained hush on the subject. Everything was going fine until Ben Collins announced he would be releasing a book on the subject of being The Stig. In the ensuing dust-up, Top Gear fired Collins and filed a court case seeking to ban the publish of the book, a case which they lost.
Now, according to Clarkson, Top Gear is retooling following the controversy and trying to figure out what to do with the character of The Stig. He told the interviewer, "We have many, many, many thousands of people queuing up to be, whatever it is we create," going on to say,"I spent the last three weeks doing nothing but trying to work out what on earth to do." Could it be that Ben Collins' shenanigans will kill The Stig? We will have to wait and see.