Jason Kidd Arrested On DUI Charges In The Hamptons

According to Southampton Town police, Jason Kidd was arrested early Sunday morning (during the midnight shift) for alleged drunken driving.

Kidd, 39, was arraigned on a misdemeanor DWI charge on Sunday morning in Southampton Town Justice Court and released on his own recognizance.

Sag Harbor attorney Eddie Burke Jr. said he was on his way to speak with Kidd. "We await further discovery from the district attorney's office," Burke said.

Kidd just signed his deal with the Knicks on Thursday. So far all we know is that he owns a home in Water Mill and appears to have retained a Sag Harbor attorney. We'll update as we learn more.

Update 2:54 p.m.: According to USA Today, Kidd ran into a telephone pole at 2 a.m., not far from his Water Mill home.

Police said Kidd's 2010 Cadillac Escalade struck a telephone pole and went into the woods near the intersection of Cobb Road and Little Cobb Road in Water Mill. Kidd's house in the Hamptons was nearby. Kidd was the lone passenger in the accident, which reportedly took place around 2 a.m.

Kidd was transported to the Southampton Hospital for treatment of minor injuries before dealing with the police.

Basketball Star Jason Kidd Arrested on DWI Charge [Southampton Patch]

