Jalopnik Emissions

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  • The headline says it all: "I'll be back, vows hoon" [Herald Sun]
  • Kids, remember...seat belts save lives! [NHTSA via PR Newswire]
  • The new way forward for Ford — If you can't sell cars, you can can certainly sell pretty pictures of cars [Ford ArteHouse]
  • Suki must be psyched that the all new Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder goes on sale today...maybe it'll mean that Fast and the Furious will become a trilogy! [PR Newswire]
  • Fleet pricing is getting so bad that rental companies may actually need to buy non-US vehicles. Maybe GM was hoping the rental companies wouldn't notice [Financial Times]
  • So this means if I start saving my pennies now, I'll be able to afford an Accord in 2024. Excellent. I think that's when my lease runs out too. [Associated Press]
  • That's so cute. Oregon has a car show for kids [Oregon News]
  • You know what else is cute? Scotland got its first car-jackings. Yeah, I know...it seems like only yesterday they were getting their first boosted rides, now look at them. Our baby is getting all grown up [Scotsman.com]