I've Noticed This Peel P50 Can Also Be Worn As A Hat!
When, in the course of human events, a singular driving objective reaches its lunatic culmination in a product, a certain amount of respect must be paid to its creators. In the case of Peel Engineering Company, that driving force was fuel mileage — mileage the likes of which Prii and Insights the world over could only dream. So compete was this obsession that risking the lives and limbs of owners was a trade-off they seemed willing to make. The P50 was produced in 1962 and '63 followed by the bubble topped Trident in '64 which we've covered before. At just 53 inches long, 39 inches wide, and 132 lbs, the Peel 50 was the smallest three-wheeled "car" ever produced. It was tiny enough to park manually, as shown above, with the the front or rear handle. Frugal was what the designers called it, batshit crazy is what I say. Thankfully, Peel went under before many of these death hampers could be put into the hands of smooshable citizens.
Peel P50 [Rumcars]
P.S. I'm a little weirded out by some examples showing two wheels in front as opposed to one wheel in front. I can't chase down an explanation, and it seems the two wheels in front versions are far more prevalent, but I like this picture better, so there.
More Peel Action! 49ccs On Super 8! [internal]