I'm Rutledge Wood, Host Of Top Gear USA, Ask Me Anything

With two seasons of Top Gear USA done and in the books, it appears as though the audience for the History Channel show continues to grow. So, will it be around for a third season? We have no idea.

But here's someone who does know. We're lucky to have Rutledge Wood, one of the show's threesome of car-obsessed co-hosts, with us today here at Jalopnik HQ (tucked into the far corner of the Gawker offices in New York City) to answer your questions in the comments below.

So go ahead, ask him anything.

For those of you who don't know Rutledge,well, the man loves cars. Born in Birmingham, Alabama, he learned from his father the business of buying, restoring and selling new and old vehicles. Wood has owned over 55 cars and trucks ranging from a Volkswagen Rabbit pickup truck to Hondas, Chevys, a 1966 VW Double Cab, a Buick Roadmaster Wagon, even an obscure 1975 Bricklin SV-1. His favorite, however is a 1953 Plymouth Suburban that was given to him by "the king" himself, Richard Petty.

His love of cars led him to a silly little sport called Nascar, and hosting Trackside Live for the SPEED Channel — a small, artisanal automotive channel dedicated to driving cars really fast in one direction until something gets in its way, and then turning left. Sometimes, it's right. Rarely do the two happen during the same race. He's also a roving reporter for NASCAR RaceDay, and was a part of NASCAR Smarts, a NASCAR trivia game, along with Kyle Petty and host John Roberts.

But Rutledge is most well-known for his role as co-host of Top Gear (U.S.-spec edition) on the History Channel. A spinoff of the hit British program of the same name, Rutledge — along with Tanner Foust and Adam Ferarra — take the show to a different level altogether from the British show.

Along with a passion for automobiles, Rutledge also has a passion for helping. After meeting Kyle Petty many years ago, Rutledge began assisting with The Victory Junction Gang Camp in Randleman, NC, a retreat for children with life threatening illnesses and chronic diseases, participating in their annual charity ride and volunteering his time any chance he gets.

More than anything, Rutledge loves spending time with his girls; his wife Rachel, and his two young daughters.

But first, before the questions commence in the comments below, here's a few ground rules:

1.) The first rule of Ask Me Anything is that there are no rules about what questions you ask. That said, keep it clean and smart — like you always do.

2.) Rutledge will only be here for an hour starting at 12:15 PM EST, which is why we're opening up the comments early — so get 'em in. He'll walk through the questions in the order they come as soon as he jumps in.

3.) Someone please ask him about whether he'll be running for chairman of the International Association Of Beard Enthusiasts.

4.) Also maybe ask him whether Top Gear U.S. is getting a third season. We've softened him up with a chicken parmesan sandwich from Parm — maybe your questions will get him to spill his guts.

So, there you go — have at it folks!

If you want to see just Rut's answers, click here — and then click on the time stamp associated with each comment to see the comment in context of the question asked. Then click back. Rinse and repeat.

