If You Don't Come To Jalopnik's Trivia Party On Saturday, David's Jeep Will Never Run Again

After extensive research and roadside wrenching, at long last we've determined the reason David Tracy's 1948 Jeep off-roading project has had so many problems: it's because you are not coming to Jalopnik's New York Auto Show trivia party on Saturday.

Yes, you. It's you! Because you haven't RSVP'd yet, the Jeep is too sad to work. It's true.

You love David, don't you? And you want him to get to Moab and home safely so he can deliver the glorious blogs, right? Then you gotta come to our party on Saturday night at the Javits Convention Center.

To recap we're doing trivia with you and our friends like Mr. Regular, Alex Roy, NASCAR's Parker Kligerman and some of the folks from Road & Track from 7-9 p.m. in the evening of Saturday, April 15. It's going to be fun!

You'll have to buy a ticket to the New York Auto Show to get into this event, but it's free once you're in the show. We'll be in the back by Mitsubishi, past the big shrine to the Evo in the north hall.

RSVP here on this Google form if you have not. We'll also be holding two Jalopnik Throwdowns in the same space on April 21 and April 22.

But for now, this is the event you have to be at if you want David Tracy's Jeep to work again. It's you! It's always been you, my darlings.

