I find myself in a vehicular pickle and need my fellow Jalops' perspective. Here's the tragically ironic tale (sorry it's so long):

Yesterday, after much research/deliberation/pain, I bought a new Chrysler T&C Touring for my wife to schlep around our 4 kids to their myriad activities. With the CARS and 2009 model year "everything-must-go" discounts, plus some haggling, we saved over 9 grand. That's the "good" part. The bad part that has me near tears is that, on my way home from signing the deal (on eastbound I-8 just west of Hwy 163), my venerable, reliable and beloved W123 240D suddenly lost all oil pressure and seized before I could get to the shoulder and shut down the mill. Basically, it crashed and bled out.

My plan was to drive my car for another year and buy a new Jetta TDI Sportwagon for my daily driver. A car I actually want. Now here's the pickle: 1) There are no Jetta TDI wagons available. Apparently anywhere. 2) We just plopped down 30 large on a cash deal for the minivan, so I don't have a lot of car budget left (maybe 5 grand for a down). 3) The "sensible choice" would be to get a stripper 2009 Caliber or some such Chrysler/Dodge low ender (NOT a PT Cruiser – I refuse to drive one of those) for the $3500 cash incentive plus the nifty lifetime power train warranty. Sensible, yes, but uninteresting in the extreme. Some may say the Jetta isn't exactly exciting, but I love oil burners as much as I love wagons – for me the car would be perfect.

So please guys/gals, help a brother out? Maybe I'm too close to losing the 240D to think straight but I just have no idea what to do.

/End Threadjack

