I Can't Stop Laughing At The New Jeep Clothing Line Catalog

Just a couple dudes havin' a great time running with fishing rods, giggling over maps, and feeding deer. Looks like every camping trip I've ever been on! Adorable.

These bros look like healthier, European'er versions of Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel.

If you're not laughing yet; those zip-off cargo pants are $340. Jeep's going to be hocking their new duds on Jeep-Apparel.com and at stores in Munich and Paris. Not gonna lie, I kinda dig the "American-flag-with-jeep-grille-where-stars-go" shirt.

And yes, these pictures would absolutely still be hilarious if the pair was a man and woman. Could have used a few more woodland critters though.

Images: Jeep

