I Can't Believe How Far This Motorcycle Got Without A Rider

Huh. Looks like your bike rides better without you, man.

I've heard of people treating motorcycles like they're alive, like horses or something, but this might be the first time I've seen one actually do its own thing without anybody riding it.

This clip, which seems to have been captured a few months back by the Minnesota riding group "Northern Wheelies" shows what happens when your stunt bike gets away from you with just enough throttle applied to keep itself moving.

But seriously, that thing will not go down!

It even survives a kick from another still-mounted rider and doesn't come to a stop until it meets the fender of an old pickup truck.

Oh, by the way, the whole thing's even funnier with Japanese commentary and wacky television sound effects laid over it:

Keep your bikes under control, kids! Who knows what they might get up to on their own.

