Huzzah! Richard Hammond Now Described In "Stable Condition" After Jet-Car Crash
We've got the first confirmed good news of the evening — the BBC is now reporting a hospital spokeswoman statement on Top Gear's Richard Hammond as being in "stable condition." The Beeb's also reporting some more from first responder Dave Ogden, a private emergency rescue contractor first on the scene (pictured at right):
Former firefighter Dave Ogden, who runs private firm Event Fire Services, was one of the first people at the scene of the crash.
He said: "We were down there with Top Gear who were filming him trying to break the British land speed record.
"On the previous run, the car had just gone over 300mph but I am not sure if it had broken the record.
"They had just done one more run and were planning to finish when it veered off to the right.
"One of the parachutes had deployed but it went on to the grass and spun over and over before coming to a rest about 100 yards from us."
He said his crew and an ambulance that was already on the airfield rushed over and found the car upside down and "dug in" to the grass.
Mr Ogden said he felt for a pulse and heard Mr Hammond breathing before the emergency crews worked together to turn the car the right way up and then cut him free.
He added: "He was regaining consciousness at that point and said he had some lower back pain. But he was drifting in and out of consciousness a little bit."
TV host seriously hurt in crash [BBC]
Update! Richard Hammond "Fighting For His Life" After 280 Mph Jet-Car Crash; Update! Sky News Reports Top Gear's Richard Hammond Driving Vampire Jet Car At 280 Mph At Time Of Accident; Breaking! Top Gear Presenter Richard Hammond In Car Crash [internal]