How Would You Configure Your 603 HP Mercedes-AMG E63 S Wagon?

This is it, the fastest most powerful wagon available in America. While the Mercedes-AMG E63 S wagon may not have the same allure as the 1987 AMG Hammer wagon, it is a beast that is equally brutal and practical. It even comes in brown.

Let's be real here; very few of us will ever be able to afford one of these. So in this fantasy build I'm not pulling any punches. I checked off almost all of the boxes. I went with the Selenite matte gray exterior. While it looks super badass it would be a royal pain clean. But when you are dropping over $100,000 on a German super wagon, you can afford a good detail shop.

Carbon brakes? Sure, I need all the stopping power I can get given how fast I'll be coming up on the slow pokes that are hogging the left lane. What the hell, let's toss in the performance exhaust and the silly carbon fiber engine cover that no one will see as well.

When it is all said and done, I've just spent over $133,000 on a wagon. A glorious wagon. What would yours look like?

(H/T to BuntyBrown!)

