How Much Did You Pay For Your First Car?

Did your first car cost you an arm and a leg, or did you get a sweetheart deal you'll never forget?

Quantifying the sentimental value that first cars hold for drivers is impossible. It was probably a transformative time in your life when you first sat behind the wheel of a car that was truly yours. Those drives forged mental links that will last forever regardless of the make and model. However, those vehicles definitely had financial value.

What did you pay for your first car? While some of us were lucky enough to be gifted our first car, others had to find a way to earn the cash without any guidance on how much to spend on a vehicle. Naive buyers can often find themselves in a position to be taken advantage of. Sellers can sell a car to a first-time buyer that's out of their budget or simply charge more than the vehicle is worth. But the memories made in your first car? Priceless.

In the comments section below, please tell us how much you paid for your first car and how you got the money.

