Hood Scoop Of The Week: Plymouth Road Runner Air Grabber

I was going to follow up the Rover 3500 triple scoop with the terrifying '64 Ford Fairlane Thunderbolt scoop, but then it became clear that we were having a Chrysler sort of a weekend.

No problem- we'll return to the Thunderbolt another time. Today, we honor the functional scoop that was available as an option on 1969 and 1970 Plymouth Road Runners, a scoop so fearsome that it actually had teeth. Could Citroën's engineers and designers, with all their innovative genius, ever have come up with the Air Grabber? Hell no! Apparently designed by a crew of 9-year-old boys armed with limitless high-sugar-content snacks and a portfolio of every Rat Fink drawing Ed Roth ever made, the Air Grabber was ridiculously awesome (and awesomely ridiculous) and should have been standard equipment on every motor vehicle Chrysler produced between 1969 and today, including the Frank Sinatra Edition Imperial and all those rental Cirruses and Sebrings. And, hey, you can buy repro Air Grabber decals for $15.95 from Year One- just the thing for your PT Cruiser! Thanks to Tonyola for recommending this scoop last week.
Image source: vw-busman

