Homeland Security Wants To Scan Your Face Before Entering And Leaving The Country

We live in a free country. We have so much freedom I sometimes can't get enough of all the freedom. It's such an overdose of freedom here, in the Free States of Freemerica, I almost wonder if we have too much freedom, you know?

Which why I, for one, welcome the Department of Homeland Security's proposed rule to require U.S. citizens to submit to facial recognition scans before entering or leaving the country.

"To facilitate the implementation of a seamless biometric entry-exit system that uses facial recognition and to help prevent persons attempting to fraudulently use U.S. travel documents and identify criminals and known or suspected terrorists," the agency stated in its porposed rule, "DHS is proposing to amend the regulations to provide that all travelers, including U.S. citizens, may be required to be photographed upon entry and/or departure."

As TechCrunch reported, this is yet another reneged promise in a long list of DHS's reneged promises on how its invasive security measures would not apply to U.S. citizens.

As noted security expert Rudy Giuliani once said, "Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."

So, thank you, Department of Homeland Security, for wanting to scan all our faces before and after we exercise our Constitutional rights. I'm so tired of all this goddamn freedom.

