Ten years ago, we were on a boat in Germany celebrating a friend's high-school graduation. Suddenly, this horridly catchy earworm of a song came on and people started to move strangely. Synchronized strangeness, even. "Dear God," we thought to ourselves. "We hope this is one of those weird European things that never makes it to America." Roughly three weeks later, it arrived on the soil of the land named for Amerigo Vespucci. Part of us died that day.
On the floor of Paris Expo at Porte de Versailles, another, more different Macarena crossed our path. Built by the nutters at Heuliez, it's a Peugeot 407 fitted with a folding hardtop, which happens to lend the concept its name. According to the press kit, "Two roof arches folding like the famous 'Macarena' dancer's arms," is a salient point of the design. Tenuous though the link may be to said obnoxious song-and-dance phenomenon, the folding hardtop does have some pretty interesting features, most notably the three glass panels that can slide back independently. Los del Rios may approve of the name, but Los Jalopniks find the car far more fascinating.
Sacr Peu! PSA Debuts 908 and 907 Spider Motor Racing Cars [Internal]