Hey, It's That Guy Who's Always Talking To Jalopnik On Bloomberg
Welcome to Must Read, where we single out the best stories from around the automotive universe and beyond. Today, we have reports from Business Insider, Petrolicious and Thrillist.
How A High-School Dropout Became The Most Dangerous Man In Financial News – Business Insider
Now learn more about this Raptor-loving guy who seems to enjoy the company of Matt and Travis a lot. Swell guy, this guy.
On a clear day last October, Bloomberg TV anchor Matt Miller stood on the corner of York Avenue at 79th Street, staring across the stream of traffic at the spot where five months earlier he had nearly died. "Crazy," he muttered, limping back to the curb. The 40-year-old looked the part of a television personality: He wore a camel sport coat over a Brooks Brothers shirt, tennis racket cuff links, and Diesel jeans with an alligator belt. Only the hiking boots seemed off.
Best Cars For A Summer Weekend At The Coast – Petrolicious
Why buy new?
A stowed convertible roof makes any driving experience that much better. Intake and exhaust sounds pipe directly into the interior. The slight backdraft of exhaust engages the smell receptors along with the scent of sunscreen and seafoam. Rays of sun pour in warming you and seagulls can be heard in the distance. These are experiences that can only be had in convertibles, and with icy winter finally far behind, we'd like to present some of our favorite convertibles for a weekend at the beach and just about any budget.
The SF Streetcar Drinking Guide – Thrillist
Now it looks like a great way to get around.
Because MUNI weirdly doesn't have them listed on its route map, here's the best place to drink near every stop on SF's historic F-Market streetcar line.
Photo: Matt Miller