Here's Your Go-To Graphic To Understand The Air Force Fighter Inventory

If you want to quantify the fleet size and squadron structure of every type of U.S. Air Force fighter aircraft in service — and why wouldn't you! — this graphic is your awesome go-to guide. It also gives you a great visual idea of really how big our fighter force is, or how small, depending on how you look at it historically.

This is the full sized graphic to zoom in on or you can download it directly here.

This in another great composite graphic by our friends at Contemporary Issues and Geography that offers a good overview of the makeup of America's air arms. They have released a US Navy version, a USMC version, a USCG version and Raytheon has provided a U.S. Navy ships version.

CISG will be tackling the USAF's version one category at a time starting with fighter aircraft. The plan is to have the USAF's total inventory represented over six charts when the project is finished, at which time they will be combined. Let's hope for a U.S. Army aviation version soon, and maybe, if we are lucky, some foreign air arm graphics.

Make sure to check CSIG out them out on their website. A poster of the Navy version will be going up for sale in August.

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